Vientiane: Central Bus Station has been Moved (2015/10/14)

Central Bus Station (CBS) in Vientiane had been moved. CBS has many buses which goes to north Thailand and many places in Laos.
Maybe this is a temporary moving because of construction of new bus station building. New temporary bus station is located about few hundreds meters from original place. So it could go by walk.
List of destinations
There was a sign like this:
I cannot read Lao language (Tell me if this is wrong understanding) but maybe this is like this:
Under construction
CBS is under construction. Bus station divided two places. Please go there.
CBS1 (North) has buses depart for:
- Laos – Thai International Bus
- Bus 29: Dongdok
- Bus 23: Thangon
- Bus 20: Dongkhamxang)
- Bus 32: Donepamai
CBS2 (South) has buses depart for:
- Bus 14: Friend ship bridge (* and also goes Buddha Parl)
- Bus 08: North Bus Terminal
- Bus 30: Thongpong – Tadthong
- Bus 32: Phontong
- Bus 33: Nongtha
- Bus 49 Nongteang)
- Bus 05 Namxouang)
- Bus 06 Pialard
- Bus 19 Paksap
North Stop (CBS1?)
Buses for Thailand etc. departs from here.
This is a little bit south from original position. Not far from.
This is a photo of CBS1. It becames a litlle bit messy, and tight place.
South Stop (CBS2?)
Buses for Friend Ship Bridge (Border gate place for Thailand), Buddha park etc. departs from here.
This is a little bit fat from original position. It is a road side bus stop rather than “Bus Station”.
The end of bus from Thailand which I rode was here.
By the way, old bus station place was like this. Entirly nothing.
So be careful if you will go Vientiane now.