Kisarazu Today
Cats living in this park were evacuating because many pet dogs was in there. (Pet owners’ meeting or something?)
Maybe sakura will be blooming in few days. A few flowers were blooming already.
Cats living in this park were evacuating because many pet dogs was in there. (Pet owners’ meeting or something?)
Maybe sakura will be blooming in few days. A few flowers were blooming already.
I bought Dell 4K Display P2715Q. I’m using with New Macbook (12 inch) and Vaio Z Canvas.
It is difficult to set up. Many problems had happen. It might be because of large bandwidth usage.
This problem had happened when connected with Vaio Z Canvas. The cable connecting was the cable which converts mini DisplayPort into DisplayPort.
Sometimes screen flickering happend, sometimes it became blank screen. Sometimes becomes stable. They happened in any resolution mode.
I noticed that it became stable when putting up the cable little bit. I think connectors or cable around connecter had broken, so I purchased new cable. I bought Cable Matter’s mini DP to mini DP cable from Amazon.
My display became very stable when using this cable. This flickering problem was caused my the included cable.
Some people said the included cable was wrong at some review sites (Reviews for P2715Q at Yodobashi Camera, thread of this display at 2ch and so on.)
This problem was also happend when using with Vaio Z. Sometimes I could not select 4K resolution mode. Or sometimes become unstable when select 4K.
This problem caused by combination of Vaio Z Canvas and Windows 10. I updated my BIOS Firmware at Vaio’s site (BIOS R1090VE Windows 8.1/Windows 10アップグレード用) then this problem had dissapeared.
This problem was rarely happened. This combination was almost stable. But sometimes white screen flickering happened repeatedly (about 30 seconds period).
This was because of 7m long HDMI cable which I used. I had shorter (2m) cable, so I switched cable to it, then this problem had dissapeared.
I cannot see any 4K60p contents smoothly.
I had not any PC’s which could play 4K60p movies. My Vaio Z Canvas could not too. Dissapointed.
I’m using this display with Linux on Vaio Z Canvas, no problem happens after installing BIOS update firmware. I could use as 4K 60Hz with Gnome3 normally.
I had used 2K Dell monitor. New 4K display is lighter than my old display. My display arm became able to move up and keep. Light thing is good.
Also USB 3.0 Hub functionality is a little bit useful. Good.
Central Bus Station (CBS) in Vientiane had been moved. CBS has many buses which goes to north Thailand and many places in Laos.
Maybe this is a temporary moving because of construction of new bus station building. New temporary bus station is located about few hundreds meters from original place. So it could go by walk.
There was a sign like this:
I cannot read Lao language (Tell me if this is wrong understanding) but maybe this is like this:
Under construction
CBS is under construction. Bus station divided two places. Please go there.
CBS1 (North) has buses depart for:
- Laos – Thai International Bus
- Bus 29: Dongdok
- Bus 23: Thangon
- Bus 20: Dongkhamxang)
- Bus 32: Donepamai
CBS2 (South) has buses depart for:
- Bus 14: Friend ship bridge (* and also goes Buddha Parl)
- Bus 08: North Bus Terminal
- Bus 30: Thongpong – Tadthong
- Bus 32: Phontong
- Bus 33: Nongtha
- Bus 49 Nongteang)
- Bus 05 Namxouang)
- Bus 06 Pialard
- Bus 19 Paksap
Buses for Thailand etc. departs from here.
This is a little bit south from original position. Not far from.
This is a photo of CBS1. It becames a litlle bit messy, and tight place.
Buses for Friend Ship Bridge (Border gate place for Thailand), Buddha park etc. departs from here.
This is a little bit fat from original position. It is a road side bus stop rather than “Bus Station”.
The end of bus from Thailand which I rode was here.
By the way, old bus station place was like this. Entirly nothing.
So be careful if you will go Vientiane now.
This is a snack sold in Seven-Eleven at Hong Kong. Salmon Sushi flavourd Potato Chips.
I’ve never seen in Japan. It looks good, so I tried it.
There was two bags in outer bag. One is a wasabi powder bag, and another is a potato chips bag. According to instruction written in back, I should put wasabi powder in the potato bag, and shake it.
Without wasabi powder, it tastes like an Ebisen. But aftertaste was like Salmon. I couldn’t feel “Sushi” flavour. (Also I don’t know what sushi flavour like…)
Wasabi powder was exactly wasabi. It was good. You should eat together.
BTW, why did they make a salmon sushi flavour snack rather than tuna or something?
There is many salmon menus in sushi restaurants. Are they popular in Hong Kong?
Selfie! (A little bit outdated?)
I’ve seen around Hong Kong and Macau.
I have many purposes visiting Hong Kong like sightseeing, shopping etc.
But first of all, I’ like to write about Hong Kong Pro-democracy Protests.
Currently (2014/11/22), I think everything in Hong Kong is normal except very limited exceptions. It is safe. If you don’t anything thoughtless things like violences or breaking something, it is okay.
There is so many photographers, and so many people taking picture with their smartphones. (Sure, I’m one of them.)
There is two large demonstrators groups. One is around Mong Kok Station (旺角駅) at Kowloon. Another one is around Admiralty Station. (金鐘駅) Roads at both of them is blocked with a barricade. Mong-Kok is like an shopping street. Admiralty is the distinct of government offices and large banks.
Mong-Kok is located at Kowloon area.
Here is an shopping street. There is many visitors and locals.
Cars were blocked by the barricades, but pedestrians can walk into there. Shops were open.
There is some people speeching, but so few demonstrating people. Here is relatively mild.
Left back side is the Protester’s Barricade, other side is polices and police’s cars. Pedestrians walks at the middle of them.
These cars are towards Protester’s Barricade. Many polices in cars.
He was speeching in Chinese language (maybe). Polices listen his speech, but not tense atomosphere.
I didn’t recognize his speech because I didn’t recognize Chinese language.
They probably want take good videos anyway. It is normal in here now.
There was so many things to protest.
Almost of them are in Chinese Language so I could not read them. But I could read Kanji, so I understood meaning of about half of them.
They used many famouse Japanese character like Totoro, Doraemon, Hello Kitty.
I think they are so creative. It may be result of thinking for observer from outside country. (Or they just kidding.)
Japanese person who says about nuclear power or forign people something should look them.
Some people said different thing than main stream protesting. Maybe person in this picture was saying about unfair treatment of a trial.
This is easy one to understand for us. Probably this says like “Return a right to use roads! I’m protesting blocking roads!”. (Perhaps misunderstanding…)
This is Admiralty which has government buildings, and many banks.
It is placed at north of Hong Kong island.
It was in night of friday, there was so many protesters. Some people was speeching central in this group.
They (protesters) prepare these boothes for the media.
There is some first aid tents. Some person (looks like students) which wears red-cross marked clothes were walking around.
They made stairway to enter the protesting place.
They were very thoughtful of safety, and of effectively saying to outside. Many things are made carefully, and thoughtful. It is awesome.
Many messages were putting on this wall. Some of them written English, and Japanese Language.
Are Hong Kong people using LINE?
Of course many polices watching them. But here is also not tense.
They were doing a business with effort.
It seems like a sightseeing spot.
Anyway, They are fighting for freedom, seriously.
WordPress is too heavy for my small instance. In particularly Admin pages is heavy. Pages viewers is not really because of page caches. (These pages are heavy too when not on caches.)
However, I found a web page about WordPress running time. I installed a plugin “001 Prime Strategy Translate Accelerator” which introduces in the page then my WordPress web site improved a little bit. This plugin improve performance with MO files (translation files) caches.
I am using W3 total cache for overall performance. Some blogs say it is good for admin pages performance to disable Object Cache of W3 total cache. ( ((Japanese) WordPressの管理画面が重い場合の対処法) ) I did it. But I don’t know how good it is.
Some people might say anyone would not care about performance of admin pages. But I do. Because it makes me very frustrating. I gave up writing posts many times because of it.
Song of the Salaryman by Ed Won
There’s a lot of stuff which has ideas like this video. But it looks hilarious because non-Japanese person acts like the Salaryman. (No offence)
Also, good music, good editing.
Actually, however, I feel the word ‘Salaryman’ is a little bit nostalgic. I haven’t heard it recently.
I got out from India, go to Kathmandu, Napal.
I’ll go back to home tomorrow, via Delhi.
Seriously India is best place ever visited. Very tired.
I had believed that it could use immediately after an activation without any configuration, but it is not.
We probably need to configure APN (Access Point Name) .
I configured it with my Xperia Z2, but other machines might be able to configure almost same way.
(1) Let’s activate as I wrote yesterday. (Insert SIM. Turn off roaming and Wifi. Call 59059 and answer the questions)
(2) Open [Setting] > [More…] -> [Mobile networks]
(3) Make sure that airtel is selected, It could from [Service providers] at (2)
(4) Open [Access Point Names] at (2)
(5) Tap add button, and enter below (Any other options than below should be keep in initial state. Maybe.)
(6) Save. I could use network with them. If you cannot, try rebooting.
Below is my screenshots of setting screens. (But it is in Japanese)
Probably there is information about this configuration in airtel homepage or elsewhere, but could not find them. I found this config way with googling and try many partial information.
Some informaion says they send about configuration via SMS. But I could not receive them.
I’m very tired.
Some memos For person who will comes India whenever.
Many sites says that you will face some difficulties when getting out of the Indira Gandi International Airport. So you should ask pick-up service or something to your hotel. But I could get out and go to New Delhi Station with the Airport Express easily without any problems. If you will not arrive at midnight (The trains will suspend at midnight), it is probably good way. I think there is no need to stay airport until morning.
You should leave this station ASAP. Sometimes many indians come here (Rush hour?). Many people push each other because there is no space to walk. Some people are fighting (literally). Station staff beats the counter window to banish people for some reason. Very fearful.
Today’s mission. Getting SIM Card. docomo (A mobile network provider in Japan) serves roming service in india, but it is too expensive.
I bought a SIM card at Airtel counter in the airport. It was easy. I showed them my passport. They take a picture of me. I told them my name, my father name and my hotel name. Then they wrote application paper for me.
I bought around 6 pm. They said that I should call 59059 to activate around 9pm – 10pm.
First try is failed. It might be because of my roaming setting. Probably we must disable roaming when call them to activate. (They told me about the problem on the phone in English. But it is hard to understand to me…)
In second try, I switched off the roaming option, and selected mobile network to “2G airtel”. Then they ask me the expected question (Name, Father Name, Hotel Name). I could activated my SIM card correctly.
But I could not use their network. I will solve tomorrow because sleepy.
So I lost way because of these problems. I walked alone the town several hours at night. It might be so dangerous.
Eventually, I recommend you to ask pick-up service.
I had stayed four nights at “Hotel Private Affairs”. It is around 3000 yen per night. It was large room, good internet connection, good bathroom. This hotel might be good for business.
Accuracy of my tablet’s GPS is bad. And app for recording is also too bad. So I decided to buy dedicated GPS Logger. I bought i-gotU GT-900Pro. It is watch type GPS logger.
Pros I think:
Cons I think:
I hope to contribute OpenStreetMaps. There is not enough data of some isolated islands. Google Maps is not enough too.
(Currently, OpenStreetMap is better than Google Maps in some islands. But not enough for some islands.)
By the way, it cannot used with gpsbabel. There is some software for i-gotU series supporting Linux.
Former is GUI program written in Java. Latter is too old and maybe not working with GT-900Pro which is newer model. (And it could not build in my environment)
Probably there is no CLI program working with GT-900Pro.
So I wrote a small CLI program in Python. It can be downloaded in my Mercurial repository:
It can read data from GT-900Pro. Purge is not working now. I have been implementing it now. (It’s difficult…)
Last Sunday, I visited Tokyo Port Wild Bird Park (東京港野鳥公園: Tokyo-kou Yachou Koen).
This park is in Oi Pier area. It’s near from Ota Market.
In this park, there is artificial tideland and a lot of birds in there. Also there are some huts and a visitor center for watching birds.
This park is not famous. So a small number of people is in there.
It is 300 yen for an entrance fee of this park. You can
You can visit here with walking 15 min from Ryutsu Center Station of Tokyo-Monorail. But it is a little far. So visiting with car or taxi is good choice.
There are two areas in this park, West Area (small) and East Area (large). When I visited, there are just few birds in West Area. But there are many birds in large East Area.
By the way, recently, Kingfishers seems to have come back to central Tokyo area.
I could not find it in this park, but there are some in Mizumoto Park in Katsuchika-Ku.
I want to go there next time.
Anyway, Tokyo Port Wild Bird Park is good place for bird lovers.
This article is continuation of “
Japan Median Tectonic Line Islands Touring (1) – Kamishima, Tojishima, Sakatejima”
This island is in complex terrain area at Shima city. There is two road bridges and a railroad bridge between this island and the mainland. So this island do not looks like island. There is a lot of buildings like an aquarium (Shima Marine Land), resort hotels , sea-food restaurants and Pearl shops.
Not only this island, but also this area is famous place for pearls.
This island is also in cove at Shima city. It looks like connected with the mainland at first sight, but actually it is isolated.
It looks good place for sea bathing. There is facilities like lavatories and showers. The beach is clean and smooth sea because this island placed in a cove.
Also it is good place for walking, but there is only few rest places and promenades. It’s a little disappointing.
This is not an island. This is a cave. But I visited for looking a lighthouse.
This cape placed at the southern tip of Kii Peninsula.
A raccoon dog. They say there is a lot of raccoon dogs in Kii Peninsula. But I saw a raccoon dog for the first time.
This is at west side of Kii Peninsula. There is some island in there. They are called “Tomoga-shima”. I visited “Okino-shima” in “Tomoga-shima” islands.
Basically it is an uninhabited island. But there is campsites and some old hotels (Probably they have not been in business).
A ship for Okino-shima. There is many passengers./caption]
[caption id="attachment_1862" align="aligncenter" width="450"] Overview from north of island.
In this touring, I visited some islands around Mie Pref. and Wakayama Pref.
Sugashima is also an island in Mie, but I have visited it before, so I had passed it in this trip.
I have visited 89 island. It’s just a bit more till 100 islands!