
以前ラオスに来たときUnitelとBeelineのSIMカード買って試してみましたが、今回LaoTelecom (LTC)のも買ってみたので、三社合わせて計測してみました。
自分はあまりお金を使う趣味がないし (海外旅行はもはや金のかかる趣味ではない) 、特に欲しいものがあるわけでもなく、仕事をしても意味もなく金がたまる一方で非常に無駄なので、いろいろと投資をしてみようと思っています。マイナス金利がどうのこうのとか言ってる日本の預金口座に放っておいても腐るだけですし。そしてプロではないので、どうせなら好きなモノ・好きな所に投資をしようということで、とりあえずラオスの会社等に投資するための口座を作ってみました。
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クアラルンプールでMAXIS(Hotlink), Digi, Celcomの三枚のSIMを買ったので、ベンチマークしてみました。
買い方とかは以前来たときに書いた記事 マレーシア行った (そしてまたSIMだよ) で書いたんですが、このときはMAXISとDigiしか買いませんでした。今回空港 (KILA2) の階段上ったフードコートのあたりにCelcomを見つけて、そこですんなり買えました(ということで今回は三枚ともKLIA2で買いました)。前回みたく電話認証が必要とかは言われなかったです。
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I bought Dell 4K Display P2715Q. I’m using with New Macbook (12 inch) and Vaio Z Canvas.
It is difficult to set up. Many problems had happen. It might be because of large bandwidth usage.
This problem had happened when connected with Vaio Z Canvas. The cable connecting was the cable which converts mini DisplayPort into DisplayPort.
Sometimes screen flickering happend, sometimes it became blank screen. Sometimes becomes stable. They happened in any resolution mode.
I noticed that it became stable when putting up the cable little bit. I think connectors or cable around connecter had broken, so I purchased new cable. I bought Cable Matter’s mini DP to mini DP cable from Amazon.
My display became very stable when using this cable. This flickering problem was caused my the included cable.
Some people said the included cable was wrong at some review sites (Reviews for P2715Q at Yodobashi Camera, thread of this display at 2ch and so on.)
This problem was also happend when using with Vaio Z. Sometimes I could not select 4K resolution mode. Or sometimes become unstable when select 4K.
This problem caused by combination of Vaio Z Canvas and Windows 10. I updated my BIOS Firmware at Vaio’s site (BIOS R1090VE Windows 8.1/Windows 10アップグレード用) then this problem had dissapeared.
This problem was rarely happened. This combination was almost stable. But sometimes white screen flickering happened repeatedly (about 30 seconds period).
This was because of 7m long HDMI cable which I used. I had shorter (2m) cable, so I switched cable to it, then this problem had dissapeared.
I cannot see any 4K60p contents smoothly.
I had not any PC’s which could play 4K60p movies. My Vaio Z Canvas could not too. Dissapointed.
I’m using this display with Linux on Vaio Z Canvas, no problem happens after installing BIOS update firmware. I could use as 4K 60Hz with Gnome3 normally.
I had used 2K Dell monitor. New 4K display is lighter than my old display. My display arm became able to move up and keep. Light thing is good.
Also USB 3.0 Hub functionality is a little bit useful. Good.
(Photo by M. Martin Vicente, CC BY-SA 2.0)
Vaio Z Canvasです。
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In Japan, there is a large fault system named “Japan Median Tectonic Line (JMTL)”. A lot of rises in there, also many small islands in there.
So I traveled island around JMTL in Kii Peninsula.
I traveled with my motorcycle. I went to Irago-misaki, and go around Kii Peninsula. The route is (Tokyo) – (Irago-misaki) – Kamishima – (Toba) – Tojishima – Sakatejima – Kashikojima – Masakijima – (Shiono-misaki) – Tomogashima – (Nagoya) – (Tokyo).
As an aside, I ran Meihan-Kokudo on way back (famous road as frequent car accidents). It was scared a little.
An island in ahead of Irago-cape. It’s the gateway of Ise-wan.
This island is the setting of a novel “Shiosai” written by MISHIMA Yukio. I don’t know detail about him.
“Sentaku-ba (Washing place)” in the village. There is many houses in this small area. So it’s very narrow. An stairway in this picture is way to lighthouse.
Kami-shima lighthouse. The gold plate says “Holy place for lovers”.
Kami-shima Kanteki-Sho Ruins (神島監的哨). These had been buildings for observing test firing from Irago. They had watched points of impact from here.
A building looks like monster or something. Probably no person living in this.
The island near from Toba which is famous tourist resort.
Apparently they have doing movement for making bridge from toba (This signboard says “The hope of all of us, Building bridge of Toji-shima”). Surely this is not unrealistic because this island is so close from Toba.
“Kubi-zuka” (means mound of a head) in small mountain near from the port. It is said that there is KUKI Yoshitaka’s head in here, who committed suicide in here.
This is “Dou-zuka” (means mound of a trunk). There is also KUKI Yoshitaka’s trunk in here. Sadly his head and trunk are splitted different mounds. Maybe some reasons there.
“Chiarai-ike” (means pond for washing blood).
“Kaniana-kofun” (an ancient tomb). I could not recognize where is the tomb because this is not typical “kofun”. (See also: Kofun at wikipedia)
An island of Yahata shrine. It is connected by footbridge.
The time of departure of group of fishing boats.
Around Wagu fishing port (in Northern part of the island). Kubi-zuka and Dou-zuka are in small mountains in center part of this picture.
This is around Momotori fishing port (Southern part of the island).
A distant view of Shimagasaki lighthouse. I couldn’t go near because no time to go.
JMSDF’s vessel anchored. There is many kinds of ships in Irago-suido (Sea area aroung Irago-misaki).
A ferry with a clane. Looks like useful.
This signboard says “(Do not trash here.) DO NOT TRASH NYLON. I BEG YOU PLEASE.”.
There is many signboards like it in this island. Maybo so many nylons have dumped. Is it used in fishing or something?
A building for a water service. Undersea pipe for sending drinking water from Toba have connected here. Isolated islands, particularly small islands often faces difficulties of securing drinking water. Many of them have depended on sending pipes like this.
A gray heron aiming something. Later, it flyied away without capturing anything.
Sure, I have been using JavaScript. But I do not detail about JavaScript itself.
Things TIL about JavaScript:
I haven’t read the latter half about libraries. Of course, probably I do not know large part of them.
I had improved few things for Livestreamer. It is functions related in watching Livestation.
I sent a pull request.
And I made little memo (Japanese only) about GitHub and Pull Request (I had never use them). But it is not useful for others…
I have been written programs handle video streams. There is many kinds of video services (ustream, YouTube, etc.). So I tought that the library handle easily these streams without care kind of service is useful. Sure, it is already exists.
The program can be used from CLI. It is made by Python, so it can be used as Python libraries. Probably It works on windows (Not checked yet). Great.
It supports about 25 services. Niconico douga (Japanese famous video service) is not supported. Inevitable.